

Jun 2025

#10 Frei­hei­ten

Aca­de­mic Free­dom in Dis­cour­se and Prac­ti­ce: Ex­plo­ra­ti­ons from the So­cial Sci­en­ces and Hu­ma­nities

Uni­ver­si­tät Basel

Swiss As­so­cia­ti­on for the Stu­dies of Sci­ence, Tech­no­lo­gy and So­cie­ty (STS-​CH)

The no­ti­on of ‘aca­de­mic free­dom’ is ubi­qui­tous. De­spi­te being wi­de­ly re­co­gni­zed as a fun­da­men­tal right, ensh­ri­ned in in­ter­na­tio­nal re­so­lu­ti­ons, de­cla­ra­ti­ons, and state­ments, aca­de­mic free­dom is per­cei­ved as end­an­ge­red. At the same time, the ob­jects of its li­ber­ties and pro­tec­tions are am­bi­guous and con­tested, not least wit­hin li­be­ral de­mo­cra­ci­es. Fur­ther­mo­re, the as­sump­ti­on that sci­ence can be dis­tin­guis­hed from opini­ons has pro­gres­si­ve­ly been ques­tio­ned, spur­red by new so­cial and po­li­ti­cal dy­na­mics, glo­bal chal­len­ges, and tech­no­lo­gi­cal de­ve­lo­p­ments. This work­shop show­ca­ses cur­rent re­se­arch on aca­de­mic free­dom from di­ver­se aca­de­mic per­spec­ti­ves, with the goal of con­tri­bu­ting to the on­go­ing de­ba­te sur­roun­ding this topic.


Wei­te­re Ver­an­stal­tun­gen

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