sep 2022
#9 Participation culturelle
Going Global: New Challenges in the Field of Provenance Research
Société Suisse-Asie
Provenance research is not only a central field of museum activity, but has also increasingly become the focus of academic research.
Since the 2018 report edited by Bénédicte Savoy and Felwine Sarr on the restitution of African artworks from French collections, provenance studies have expanded to include an important new aspect: the question of provenance in colonial contexts.
The workshop will provide insights into ongoing research and open the discussion to a wider audience.
- Francine Giese (Vitrocentre Romont)
- Sarah Keller (Vitrocentre Romont)
- Sarah Tabbal (Vitrocentre Romont)
- Daniela Roberts (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
Keynote Speaker:
- Esther Tisa Francini (Museum Rietberg, Zürich)
Participation is free of charge, registration is required by 12 Sept. 2022 at: sarah.tabbal@vitrocentre.ch
For further information see www.vitrocentre.ch
09:00 Welcome and registration
09:30 Opening Remarks by Francine Giese (Vitrocentre Romont) and Daniela Roberts (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg)
10:00 Keynote Lecture by Esther Tisa Francini, Museum Rietberg Zürich: Provenienzen im Dialog: Die Gegenwart und die Zukunft von Sammlungen
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Michael A. Lally, Temple University, Philadelphia: To Wear, To See: Object Biographies and The History of Mobility in the Nineteenth-Century Western Indian Ocean
12:00 Alona Dubova, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin: Zurückgeben und zugleich Behalten? Rückforderungen und Rückführungen ethnographischer Fotografien
12:30 Lunch break
14:00 Franziska Niemand, Vitrocentre Romont / Université de Fribourg: 19th-century World’s Fairs and the Question of Provenance
14:30 Maria Anna Rogucka, Humboldt University, Berlin: From the Private to the State Affairs: Revising the Trajectory of Polish Colonialism & Museums’ Provenance Research
15:00 Sarah Lakhal, Sorbonne Université, Paris: Les objets du Maghreb dans les musées français : collecte et exposition
15:30 Inga Benedix, Julius-Maximilians- Universität, Würzburg: Koloniale Provenienzen sichtbar machen – Interventionen am Rautenstrauß-Jost Museum Köln
16:00 Final Remarks and Discussion